My friend Holly knows me well. She picked this up for me for $1 at a library book sale—did I mention I love resale?
It was a funny moment, she was pulling it out of her bag saying “…I think it’s the wrong city…” and I’m wondering “what the heck is she talking about?” Then she presents me with this! My jaw dropped.
There is no such thing as a wrong World’s Fair souvenir!
She was referring to my affinity for the Chicago fairs of the 1930’s (I am a fan of Art Deco), but I assured her this book from New York 1964 was a major score! Take a look at some highlights—the illustrations are fantastic!

The back cover features renderings of various pavilions. My favorite here is the Festival of Gas, bottom right.
Best dollar I ever spent!
I attended this 1964 Fair. I was stationed in the Army that year in Massachusetts and me and a buddy decided to hitch-hike to New York one weekend to take in the fair. It was awesome. Now I wish I would have saved something from that trip.
So proud to say we spent a summer day at the World’s Fair, but I can’t remember what year. We managed to pack in seeing the Pieta and touring the Ford Pavilion, Bell Telephone, Sinclair DinosaurLand, and of course, Disney. There must’ve been a few more but these are the ones I always remember. My aunt bought a souvenir tray and still has it on a shelf.
They had a HUGE exhibit for the Worlds Fair at the Henry Ford Museum last summer. What a great trip thru time! Will have to check out the book! Great post!
i have that book. it’s not in great condition and i keep on putting it on the proverbial docket of things to do to scan it carefully. i was 4 and 5 during the fair and some of my earliest memories are from that wonderful fair. we went there somewhat regularly. there’s a fan page on fb that i haunt relative to the fair whose postings i enjoy for nostalgic reasons (a time when everything seemed safe …as Mom and Dad were there)
Craig–Thanks for sharing! It’s nice that you were able to attend regularly while you could. I sure wish I could go back in time to visit the Worlds Fairs.