You say you don’t like history?
You hated memorizing dates and battles and whatnot?
Well, history isn’t just about memorizing dates, it’s about stories.
The stories behind the lives, the machines, the rules and customs that created the world we live in today. Stories we can all relate to.
Personally, I’m addicted to the “why’s” and “how’s” these stories tell.
Lucky for you I love to share…because…whether you know it or not, these are your stories too, so…
Welcome to My History Fix, a digital broadside, a time machine even, the place where I share what fuels my addiction to history and old stuff! I live with it and seek it out at every turn—be it in a book or the world around me.
I want to give you that quick “hmm…” or “I remember that!” which might even lead to “I wonder…” or “what if…” And if you find yourself needing a Fix, well the time machine is always available! Hop in and Pick Your Fix, or check out an Adventure in the Field, or see what’s in The Library. Then share your thoughts in the blog comments, or follow me on Facebook and Instagram.
Join me on the quest for our next History Fix!
Christina Branham is a proud native Michigander (who drinks pop, not soda), but loves her new home state, Massachusetts (except maybe the Boston driving).
In past lives she was a dancer/choreographer/coach, a member of the Detroit Tigers front office (she sobbed like a baby when Tiger Stadium was demolished), and she even spent time in the plastics industry…she loves the feeling of accomplishment from a project well-done.
Christina also loves interior design, fashion, science, the written word and old movies…and oh yeah, food, so you can expect a Fix or two on those topics along the way. In addition to her Master of Science in historic preservation, she studied earth science and geography as an undergrad (don’t get her started on geographic illiteracy).
She loves exploring New England, and sharing her “thing” for history with you, and hopes you find the stories of the past just as inspiring and addicting as she does.